Sunday, November 14, 2010

free write week (review of passion pit: manners)

Not many people have heard of the band “passion pit;” those who have adore them and cannot get enough of them.  The band has not been in existence for very long. In fact, they first originated in 2007. They have five members and play a strange style of music. Some call it electro pop, synthetic pop, “wonky” pop, indie pop, or just indie rock. Their style of music defiantly has a sort of electronic feel to it. The lyrics are sung in a very calming manner and take on a unique tone. Their instruments include keyboards, guitars, synthesizers, samplers, bass and drums. The somewhat strange musical instruments make for a very unique sound. The group’s most famous album, as well as my personal favourite, is called, Manners. Released in May of 2009, the album has generated many downloads and hits around the country. I have certainly given it quite a few listens myself. The album includes fourteen songs all different and unique in their own way. While some may have an upbeat tempo and exciting format, others may be slow, somewhat generic, and calming. When it comes to music by passion pit, you never know what the next song will sound like. Whether the song is to your liking or not, one must admire the creativity of the group to be able to incorporate such strange sounds, rhythms, and patterns into their work. If you are someone who does not enjoy music such as this, you may find it distasteful. However, if this music interesting and you are looking for something different than the music of today’s popular culture, this album is a great place to start. This particular album will get you hooked.  It may not be immediate, however you will enjoy most of the songs and grow to enjoy this group from this album.   

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