Sunday, February 27, 2011

free write. The Shining review

Another free write. I never know what do write about, so I will most likely review something like I always do. After much peer pressure, I finally gave in and watched the movie, The Shinning. This movie, without a doubt is one of the creepiest movies I have seen. Although it was not the creepiest, it was near the top of my list. That spot is reserved for Donnie Darko and the Sixth Sense. The Shinning was creepy in a different way. The director of this movie is brilliant. Kubrick’s style of movie making is much more unique than any other. The way he provides fright to his audience is completely different than any I have seen. For example, in the scene where Jack is swinging an axe at the bathroom door to try and kill his wife is shown where Jack takes a swing of the axe and hits the door. Another director would show his wife crying and randomly show an axe burst through the door to “shock” the audience. Kubrick feels no need to force a small adrenaline rush on his audience by not showing you what was happening on the other side of the door. Jack is trying to kill his wife. Is that not scary enough? Kubrick easily is among my favorite directors after I saw this movie. It has an amazing story and a very scary feel to it. As a matter of fact, the scare factor goes up upon each viewing of the film. As of now this movie is the best horror film I have ever seen. Kubrick made no mistakes with this movie. Each piece that could potentially be misconstrued as a mistake has a valid explanation as to why Kubrick left that piece in the movie. Once you discover the meaning it reflects Kubrick’s genius. There are no mistakes. I rate the movie an 9.5/10    

Monday, February 21, 2011

bias news report

I know that this particular video has already been analyzed. Although, I have seen the original story a few times so I have enough information to analyze the story for bias myself. The reporters obviously have negative opinions on marijuana. They are trying to force their opinions on to the views through this story. By saying that this kind of thing is happening in a gated neighborhood suggests that people and families are not safe from this “problem” anywhere they go. They also say that the marijuana is “deadly.” It is as if they are telling that this story will kill your when in fact marijuana does not physically harm any body if it is just growing in someone’s house. The reporters are trying to project their negative opinions by scaring you into thinking that you are unsafe from someone growing marijuana in their house. If you truly think about it, this report does not make any sense whatsoever. The also refer to the reefer (do you see what I did there?) as “dope on steroids” as if this special method of growing marijuana is extremely dangerous. It has in fact been proven that marijuana is no more dangerous than cigarettes or alcohol. This whole report is extremely bias and makes no real sense at all.   

Sunday, February 13, 2011

self evaluation

So, I recently finished my body biography project for Ayn Rand’s novel The Fountainhead. This was probably the most fun I have ever had working on a school project. I listened to Percy Grainger’s Lincolnshire Posy about 25 times in one week. I love that piece and will never get tired of it. Connecting the piece with my project was a fairly easy task since I know the piece very well. I played it last year and heard it almost every day. I am very proud of the way I tied each character of the novel to each movement of the piece. A lot of the comparisons I had originally thought of before I began typing the paper, but while I was typing the paper I thought of many more excellent comparisons that made the connections even better. Not to brag, but I feel like I was able to be very creative and my ideas were very well put together on paper. Although I do have one issue with my project. I was not entirely understanding with the directions. It was to my understanding that the entire project had to be a page long when in fact the character relations had to be a full page itself. I thought I was exceeding the expectations by making my entire project two full single spaced pages. It was not until I came to class on Friday that I realized that I did not understand the directions. So Mrs. Andrews, I am sorry about that. That explains why my character relation is only one paragraph. On the other hand, my presentation was, in my opinion, pretty original. I also got the feeling that the class enjoyed my presentation and enjoyed listening to some good music during AP lang class. Overall, I think I did fairly well on this project.