Sunday, February 27, 2011

free write. The Shining review

Another free write. I never know what do write about, so I will most likely review something like I always do. After much peer pressure, I finally gave in and watched the movie, The Shinning. This movie, without a doubt is one of the creepiest movies I have seen. Although it was not the creepiest, it was near the top of my list. That spot is reserved for Donnie Darko and the Sixth Sense. The Shinning was creepy in a different way. The director of this movie is brilliant. Kubrick’s style of movie making is much more unique than any other. The way he provides fright to his audience is completely different than any I have seen. For example, in the scene where Jack is swinging an axe at the bathroom door to try and kill his wife is shown where Jack takes a swing of the axe and hits the door. Another director would show his wife crying and randomly show an axe burst through the door to “shock” the audience. Kubrick feels no need to force a small adrenaline rush on his audience by not showing you what was happening on the other side of the door. Jack is trying to kill his wife. Is that not scary enough? Kubrick easily is among my favorite directors after I saw this movie. It has an amazing story and a very scary feel to it. As a matter of fact, the scare factor goes up upon each viewing of the film. As of now this movie is the best horror film I have ever seen. Kubrick made no mistakes with this movie. Each piece that could potentially be misconstrued as a mistake has a valid explanation as to why Kubrick left that piece in the movie. Once you discover the meaning it reflects Kubrick’s genius. There are no mistakes. I rate the movie an 9.5/10    

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