Sunday, February 13, 2011

self evaluation

So, I recently finished my body biography project for Ayn Rand’s novel The Fountainhead. This was probably the most fun I have ever had working on a school project. I listened to Percy Grainger’s Lincolnshire Posy about 25 times in one week. I love that piece and will never get tired of it. Connecting the piece with my project was a fairly easy task since I know the piece very well. I played it last year and heard it almost every day. I am very proud of the way I tied each character of the novel to each movement of the piece. A lot of the comparisons I had originally thought of before I began typing the paper, but while I was typing the paper I thought of many more excellent comparisons that made the connections even better. Not to brag, but I feel like I was able to be very creative and my ideas were very well put together on paper. Although I do have one issue with my project. I was not entirely understanding with the directions. It was to my understanding that the entire project had to be a page long when in fact the character relations had to be a full page itself. I thought I was exceeding the expectations by making my entire project two full single spaced pages. It was not until I came to class on Friday that I realized that I did not understand the directions. So Mrs. Andrews, I am sorry about that. That explains why my character relation is only one paragraph. On the other hand, my presentation was, in my opinion, pretty original. I also got the feeling that the class enjoyed my presentation and enjoyed listening to some good music during AP lang class. Overall, I think I did fairly well on this project.  

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