Monday, February 21, 2011

bias news report

I know that this particular video has already been analyzed. Although, I have seen the original story a few times so I have enough information to analyze the story for bias myself. The reporters obviously have negative opinions on marijuana. They are trying to force their opinions on to the views through this story. By saying that this kind of thing is happening in a gated neighborhood suggests that people and families are not safe from this “problem” anywhere they go. They also say that the marijuana is “deadly.” It is as if they are telling that this story will kill your when in fact marijuana does not physically harm any body if it is just growing in someone’s house. The reporters are trying to project their negative opinions by scaring you into thinking that you are unsafe from someone growing marijuana in their house. If you truly think about it, this report does not make any sense whatsoever. The also refer to the reefer (do you see what I did there?) as “dope on steroids” as if this special method of growing marijuana is extremely dangerous. It has in fact been proven that marijuana is no more dangerous than cigarettes or alcohol. This whole report is extremely bias and makes no real sense at all.   

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